Ride the Wave into Fall Semester with Sizzling Outdoor Event Inspo

June 22, 2023

While the summer sun is only just starting to peak, it’s the perfect time to start planning for the fall semester. This proactive approach allows you to infuse your university’s outdoor events with the spirit of the summer season, making them unforgettable experiences for your campus community. By incorporating innovative, engaging, and summer-inspired activities into the heart of your fall events, you can ensure that the thrilling waves of summer joy continue to roll in, even as the academic year commences.

To help your university make a big splash, we’ve hand-picked four incredibly immersive outdoor event products that embody the very essence of summer, keeping that mindset alive and well throughout the fall semester.


1. The Mechanical Shark

Mechanical Shark | Experience by Interactive Entertainment Group
Mechanical Shark | Experience by Interactive Entertainment Group

First on the list is the Mechanical Shark. This event marvel transports the exhilarating summer experience right onto your campus, offering an adventurous ride akin to mechanical bull-riding, but with a nautical twist. As participants attempt to hang on for as long as possible, onlookers are guaranteed entertainment and the riders get a memorable, adrenaline-filled experience. Perfect for both daytime and nighttime events, the mechanical shark is a surefire way to foster friendly competition and laughter.


2. Wipe Out

Wipe Out | Experience by Interactive Entertainment Group
Wipe Out | Experience by Interactive Entertainment Group

Next up is the Wipe Out. This inflatable surfing simulator is a crowd pleaser, offering participants an opportunity to put their hand-eye coordination to the test. Not only does this create an exciting spectacle, but it also builds camaraderie as students cheer on their friends. Wipe Out is an ideal way to instigate some friendly competition and provide your students with a fun, unique challenge.


3. VR Motion Jet Ski

VR Jet Ski | Experience by Interactive Entertainment Group
VR Motion Jet Ski | Experience by Interactive Entertainment Group

Keep the summer vibe going with the VR Motion Jet Ski. This next-generation virtual reality experience allows students to feel the thrill of jet skiing without leaving campus. The simulator’s immersive experience combines cutting-edge technology with the thrill of water sports, making it an absolute hit among thrill-seekers and tech enthusiasts alike. The VR Jet Ski creates an environment where students can unwind, take a break from studies, and feel the rush of summer once more.


4. Virtual Surfing Simulator

Virtual Surfing Simulator | Experience by Interactive Entertainment Group
Virtual Surfing Simulator | Experience by Interactive Entertainment Group

Last, but not least, the Virtual Surfing Simulator allows students to experience the thrill of catching a wave, right on campus! It’s an excellent way to keep the spirit of summer alive, even as the temperatures begin to drop. The realistic simulator makes it possible for anyone—regardless of surfing experience—to ride the perfect wave. It’s an engaging and unforgettable addition to any event, sparking joy and cultivating that summer feeling.

The transition into the fall semester doesn’t have to mean the end of summer fun. Remember, the goal is to create a community that thrives on excitement, learning, and connection. So why not make waves this semester with an unforgettable event that’s not just about saying goodbye to summer, but also about diving headfirst into the exciting challenges of the academic year ahead.

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