The Ultimate Campus Event Checklist: Transform Your Campus Into The Epitome of Engagement

October 4, 2023

Ah, college—a realm of learning, life lessons, and let’s be honest, events that students will remember far beyond their graduation day. But creating unforgettable campus experiences doesn’t happen by mere accident; it takes meticulous planning, and that’s where we come in. With Interactive Entertainment Group on your side, we elevate your events to soaring new heights (sometimes literally, thanks to our Giant Human Claw Machine).

If you’re in the university event planning scene, and you want to make waves that ripple across social media and students’ memories alike, buckle up. Here’s the ultimate campus event checklist that combines education, participation, and a whole lot of fun:

✔️ Break the Ice (Literally)

Bumper Cars On Ice | Experience by Interactive Entertainment Group
Bumper Cars On Ice | Experience by Interactive Entertainment Group

Sure, the semester may have started, but it’s never too late to break the ice—both figuratively and literally. Welcome the incoming colder weather with Bumper Cars on Ice.

Why It Works:

  • Perfect for students to mix and mingle in an atmosphere of pure fun.

✔️ Generate Social Media Buzz

Social Media Vending Machine | Experience by Interactive Entertainment Group
Social Media Vending Machine | Experience by Interactive Entertainment Group

Ever thought of getting Likes, Shares, and Tweets in exchange for goodies? Introduce the Social Media Vending Machine at your event. It’s not just a vending machine; it’s an engagement powerhouse. Tag your university, use the event hashtag, and voila—out comes a treat!

Why It Works:

  • Your event gets the online visibility it deserves.
  • A fantastic way for prospective students to see how engaging and tech-savvy your campus is.

✔️ Encourage Students to Reach for Their Goals

Giant Human Claw Machine | Experience by Interactive Entertainment Group
Giant Human Claw Machine | Experience by Interactive Entertainment Group

Students need to step out of their comfort zones to achieve greatness. Enter the Giant Human Claw Machine.

Why It Works:

  • Symbolizes the concept of ‘reaching’ for your goals, quite literally!

✔️ Land Big Name Speakers

Proto Hologram | Experience by Interactive Entertainment Group
Proto Hologram | Experience by Interactive Entertainment Group

Jet lag and plane tickets are so passé. With Proto Hologram, bring the finest speakers to your event, virtually.

Why It Works:

  • Makes your event more prestigious without the logistical nightmare.

✔️ Merge Entertainment with Academics

Game Show Mania | Experience by Interactive Entertainment Group
Game Show Mania | Experience by Interactive Entertainment Group

Academics and entertainment aren’t mutually exclusive. Game Show Mania proves it.

Why It Works:

  • Combines education with entertainment, making learning an engaging experience.

✔️ Boost Fan Engagement at Tailgates

Football Challenge | Experience by Interactive Entertainment Group
Football Challenge | Experience by Interactive Entertainment Group

Tailgate parties and football are like peanut butter and jelly—a perfect match. Add in the Football Challenge, and you’ve got yourself an event no one would want to miss.

Why It Works:

  • Engages the sports fans in a way that’s both relevant and fun.

✔️ Increase Student Participation

Giant Foosball Xtreme | Experience by Interactive Entertainment Group
Giant Foosball Xtreme | Experience by Interactive Entertainment Group

Why settle for a game that accommodates only 4 people when you can have Giant Foosball Xtreme, allowing up to 16 players?

Why It Works:

  • It’s the epitome of ‘the more, the merrier.’
  • High throughput ensures that everyone gets a chance to play.

And there you have it—the ultimate checklist for turning your next campus event into a roaring success. With this lineup of engagement heavy-hitters, you’re not just planning an event; you’re crafting an experience that embodies the best of what your campus can offer. 

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